VGTU talpykla >
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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4121
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2000 | Closed-loop Robust Identification Using the Direct Approach | Pupeikis, Rimantas |
2000 | Closed-loop Robust Identification Using the Direct Approach | Pupeikis, Rimantas |
2000 | Adaptive Integration of Stiff ODE | Čiegis, Raimondas; Suboč, Olga |
2000 | Fizikinė ir funkcinė elektronika. Mikrobangų puslaidininkiniai prietaisai | Stanislovas, Štaras |
2001 | Asymtotic expansions for the distribution and density functions of the quadratic form of a stationary Gaussian process in the large deviation Cramer zone | Saulis, Leonas |
2001 | Multivariant design and multiple criteria analysis of a building life cycle | Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Kaklauskas, Artūras; Kvederytė, Nerija |
2001 | Simulation of Technological Processes of Civil Engineering Companies | Tamošaitis, Romualdas |
2001 | On System Identification Using the Closed - Loop Observations | Pupeikis, Rimantas |
2001 | Neorganinių rišamųjų medžiagų ir užpildų tyrimas. Laboratoriniai darbai | Kičaitė, Asta; Mačiulaitis, Romualdas |
2001 | Trikampių gelžbetoninių plokščių skaičiavimas | Dulinskas, Eugedijus; Kaklauskas, Gintaris; Latakas, Antanas |
2001 | Termodinamika ir šilumokaita | Šakmanas, Aloyzas Algimantas; Vegytė, Nijolė |
2001 | Statybinė braižyba | Juodagalvienė, Birutė; Gerdžiūnas, Pranas; Kvietkauskas, Rymantas |
2002 | Research of the efficiency of use of shock absorbers with controlled dissipative force in motor cars | Pikūnas, Alvydas; Spruogis, Bronislovas |
2002 | Research of operation of a diesel engine with supplementary ethanol feed | Pikūnas, Alvydas; Grabys, Juozas; Pukalskas, Saugirdas; Pečeliūnas, Robertas |
2002 | On solvability of the boundary value problems for the multidimensional elliptic systems of partial equations | Paliokas, Eugenijus |
2002 | Statistical investigation of biological lubricants influence on the wear of endoprostheses | Mariūnas, Mečislovas; Karavackaitė, Jolanta |
2002 | Intelligent initial finite element mesh generation for solutions of 2D problems | Vasiliauskienė, Lina; Baušys, Romualdas |
2002 | On the optimization of an adaptive state estimation of dynamic systems in the presence of time-varying outliers | Pupeikis, Rimantas |
2002 | A tool for modeling ptical beam propagation | Čiegis, Raimondas; Šilko, Galina; Dementjev, Aleksandr |
2002 | One application of the parallelization tool of Master-Slave algorithm | Baravykaitė, Milda Marija; Belevičius, Rimantas; Čiegis, Raimondas |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 4121